May I humbly pass on a comment from deep within my heart. A “generous” knowledgeable Teacher fraternity of Sri Palee elevi young minds to brighter Frontiers from otherwise doomed destiny of a mono-linguistic practice. We thank you all very much For multi language programming of our minds and memory with English characters. All Sri Paleeians of that era are well away tc due to the bright multi language spectrum planted by you. In the era 1950’s speaking in the context on technology a phrase called calm technology, did not penetrate in to our stud. minds at Sri Palee as findability sources which were so rare. The Science teachers at Sri Pelee were the only sourci findability. Today all school students in Sri Lanka are bestowed with googleability. This is one of the marked reasons which took this extra special exercise to “talk and write’ about Sri Palee Science teachers in vintage years. They were not only educa masters more served as ambient findability resource centers. Our Teachers had all the answers to nourish our quiz mind. A specific incident comes to my mind to record. In November 2007, the Colombo Past Pupils Association organized a teact felicitation ceremony. Three photographs of the function are reproduced for recollection and fresh-up.